Hello lovely people!
I know I told you all I'd be posting pictures of projects I've been doing or have completed, and I promise I'm not lying! See, I've started like 5 projects already. The thing is, I get started then realize I have to make a trip to the city and purchase things at the fabric store or places like that and, frankly, I'm too lazy :) Ok, not really, but that's like a 30 minute drive and it takes gas and gas takes money... and also one has to be in the mood to do that, right? :)
So when I get my supplies I need, I promise I will show you all! Hopefully I'm doing that today, but we'll see.
In the meantime, here! Have a taco cat:
Hello my friends! It has been a while... Lots of stuff has happened in my life in the past 3 months I haven't written: I finished my first year of college, parted ways with my roommates, bought my first appliance (a cute little mini fridge! :) haha), got a boyfriend, made some costumes... wait, what was that? Did you have a question?
"You got a boyfriend?!"
Oh, well, yes, in fact I did! :) It's a cute story actually! But you don't wanna hear about THAT, all you really need to know is that he's spectacular and I'm kinda sorta head-over-heels for him :) Wellp. That's basically what's been going on in MY life!
So I'm on summer break now and that's fun, I suppose! This summer I've vowed to be productive. I've been applying to jobs, but haven't really heard from any of them back... sooo I've accepted my fate as a jobless girl this summer and have decided to make the most of my joblessness and do productive things. I've been browsing the DIY section on Pinterest (I'm slightly addicted to that website and it's sad...) to find ideas of things to do and have found a couple, actually! I can't really do anything until next week because my mom has some people coming over this weekend and I can't really trash the house... dang it... But starting next week, I will be taking on random projects and I will keep you updated, showing you what I'm doing and all (basically proving that I AM being productive). I'm planning on sewing quite a bit (I have some oversized Goodwill dresses I bought and want to cut up... I mean... refashion?) and make things that will help me be more organized in my dorm room next semester. If you haven't been on Pinterest, I recommend it. Be warned, though, that you will get addicted. And you will want to be on it forever. RESIST! I'm not the best to give that advice, because I can be on there forever, but still. Try.
Well, that's all I've got for you right now. I'll update you on my project progress. And write if I feel like writing... Until then... have a picture of a cat:
Hello all you lovely people! I apologize for not posting sooner! I have been busy with college life and all that good stuff. I hope you all have had a great 2014 so far and you are enjoying your valentines day!! Valentines day... all that lovey-dovey stuff. Eew :)
Today, however, in honor of Valentines Day I am picking a couple of (in my opinion) the most romantic moments in Disney movies. I love me some Disney movies and the love that is shown in some of them... whew... I can only dream it'll happen to me!!! :) These are scenes that I find to beautifully illustrate love. So I present to you my list (in no particular order):
First off, I'm going to start with a classic. This would be from Sleeping Beauty.
Now why the heck would I pick this scene? Seriously. It's Prince Philip fighting Maleficient's dragon form- Aurora's not even IN this scene! Well, you have to realize the backstory. This guy (Philip) meets this peasant girl (Briar Rose- aka Aurora) in the woods and wants to marry her. Typical Disney "marry-the-man-you-just-meet" stuff. However, unlike movies such as Snow White, where her prince basically just kisses her, or Cinderella, where he mainly just dances with her and sends other people to find her, Prince Philip takes ACTION. He wants this girl so badly, he'll fight a dragon for her. She doesn't even know what's going on- she's SLEEPING- but Philip does it anyways, knowing he could save her and be with her. It's the fact that he's sacrificing his life to prove he's willing to be with Aurora, even when she's unaware of what's going on, that makes this a romantic scene.
Honesty time! If a guy did something chivalrous for you, even if you didn't know it at the time, wouldn't you think that's romantic? Say there was some guy talking smack about you behind your back and this other guy defended you and let's say a friend of yours overheard this and told you... wouldn't you think that's sweet? Heck to the yes! I'll give you a personal example: my roommates were in a group text one time and one of their friends said something about homeschoolers in a negative sort of manner. This other guy, knowing I was homeschooled, immediately defended me. Now, I wasn't in this conversation, my roommates told me about that and I legit thought that was the sweetest thing ever :) haha
Moving onto the classic Little Mermaid scene of "Kiss the Girl":
Honestly, this needs no explanation. This is when Eric truly fell for Ariel. They were sooooo close to breaking the spell and kissing, but, of course, Ursula's eels got in the way.
Honesty time! How many of you dreamed of this happening to you? There's something about floating in a boat that just is romantic, right? I mean, it happened in the Notebook (with the birds!?), Tangled (with the gorgeous lanterns?!), this movie?? And that's just a few! I know, personally, if a guy took me on a boat and we were surrounded by little twinkly lights underneath an awesome tree like this, I'd kiss him. Hands down! Haha :)
Next is Aladdin (you all knew this one was coming):
Every girl wants to go on an adventure. Aladdin's magic carpet ride is a very romantic adventure! This scene is when the two click. Like, Aladdin liked Jasmine before, but, up to this point, Jasmine was rather indifferent to Aladdin- he was just another guy! I mean, Jasmine had all these guys lining up to marry her! Why care about Aladdin? The thing that's different is this: Aladdin did what no other guy before him did. See, Jasmine had been DREAMING about leaving her palace for a long time and, when she finally did, she met Aladdin. This is significant because all the rest of the princes trying to win her affection were showing off how great they were instead of caring about what she wanted. Aladdin sawthat she wanted to leave the palace (that's why she ran away in the first place), so, although she hated him at first because she thought he was like all the rest, he was the ONLY one who saw her dream and wanted to help her live it. This magic carpet ride let her experience the world! This is romantic (aside from the obvious reason that it was a fantastic first date) because Aladdin took initiative to find out what she liked and most desired and "showed her the world".
Honesty time! If a guy found out you were dreaming about, say, going to see... Niagara Falls and he took you there, how much more would you like him? I'm gonna say a whole lot. I've always had this dream of visiting all 50 US states and taking a picture next to every "Welcome to ____" sign! If a guy was willing to take me on this roadtrip, I know I'd keep him ;) haha
Beauty and the Beast- classic movie, my favorite scene:
I chose this scene over the classic "Tale as Old as Time" dancing scene because this is the scene that really starts their attachment. This movie is a classic "beauty lies within" tale and I love it very much because of that. The Beast, up to this point, basically just liked Belle because he knew she could break the spell. In this scene, however, he started to actually find her attractive and see her more than just a way out. Belle had never thought of the Beast in a romantic way before this scene. This scene is the moment that Belle sees the Beast for who he really is.
Honesty time! Don't you hate it when people perceive you as something you're not? Well, if someone saw you not as everyone else saw you, but saw the beautiful person that was inside you, wouldn't that be awesome? Everyone wants someone to like them for who they really are. Looking beyond appearances is important because the outside might be "beastly", but, on the inside, there's a heart of gold. Give people chances!
The next one I have is this scene from Frozen:
Let's be real, this whole movie was good. This scene, however, was adorable. It was the first time you saw how Kristoff actually cared for Anna. I mean, he actually liked her before, like he thought she was cute and all, but this. He realized how necessary it was for Anna to get help and how he had to do everything in his power to save her. As soon as his granpoppy said "an act of true love with thaw a frozen heart", he knew, as much as he hated to think about it, he had to get her back to her "true love", Hans. Kristoff liked her, but he was willing to give her to someone else if it meant she'd live. He essentially sacrificed his happiness so she could survive and be with the one she loved. But let's back up a second. Yes, Anna needed to be with her true love so she'd stay alive BUT think about it. Kristoff started falling for Anna rather quickly. However, he was still willing to get her back to Hans because he thought it was what she wanted. He wanted her to be happy. So technically, that statement can be just as true without the fact Anna's life was on the line: Kristoff was willing to put aside his happiness for Anna to be happy.
Honesty time!!! Can you imagine that? Liking someone but liking them so much you just want to see them happy, even if it's with someone else? What if the person you liked liked someone who wasn't good for them? Or didn't care? Yet, you STILL let them go because it's what you thought they wanted? That's what Kristoff did! That's heartbreaking! I only wish I could see that happening. Like I hope (if I'm ever in a situation like this) I'll be able to distinguish who truly cares for me! Anyways. Kristoff's adorable.
Now we're hitting my favorite movie, Tangled:
I love this scene. Let's be real, I love this movie :) haha But this scene is great. This is when they're both actually into each other. The reason this is a great scene is because it shows what love should be made of (in a sense). This is one of the few Disney movies that they get to know each other before they actually start being in LOVE love. In any type of relationship (whether friendship or boyfriend/girlfriend relationship), getting to know each other is necessary. This scene shows Flynn Rider opening up to Rapunzel about his past. Why is this so critical? Flynn Rider tells his secrets. He exposes himself, strips off his "tough guy", Flynn Rider façade and spills the story of poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert. Eugene telling Rapunzel his life story is one thing (although it is a big step in their relationship), but Rapunzel's response is also important. The picture above is taken right after Flynn says he'll spare her "the sad story of poor orphan Eugene". The thing is, she doesn't say "Ok, whatever... So the floating lights, blah blah". No. She's actually interested. And, if she wasn't, she acted pretty darn well. In my opinion, for a relationship to actually work, you have to listen. Rapunzel was willing to listen and learn more about Flynn in order for them to become closer and establish a better relationship with him. You probably like it when people listen to you, right? Yeah, probably! Everyone does. But it's one thing to listen and another thing to care, right? Yes. Say a guy you like has an interest in superheroes, ok? Well, he could say "Man, I really want to see the Avengers!" and you could either sit there and say "Eh, I'd rather see the Vow!" OR you could listen to what he just said, take the interest and run with it, saying something like "Oh, is that the superhero movie? With Iron Man or someone in it?". Even if you didn't know anything about it, ask him something about it! Then, he'll see you're interested in learning. That's what Rapunzel did. She was interested in learning Flynn's background in order to get to know him better and she took advantage of it, and he opened up to her, thus strengthening the relationship! So cute.
Honesty time!!! Wouldn't you like it soooo much better if the person you liked or someone in general just paid attention to what you liked and tried to find something that could be used to get to know you better? I like antiquing, right? If a guy heard that and asked me, say, what I collected or why I liked antiquing, he's going to learn a lot about me! It's important and I think Rapunzel totally knew that. Which is impressive considering how she lived shut up in a tower...
Last one up is... UP! :) Haha
Now, I love this movie. I love it a whole lot. It is the only movie that I will cry in EVERY time I watch it. The beginning... oh I lose it. Literally the MOST beautiful love story ever and it's told without words and is only like 4 minutes long. This is an obvious romantic moment. It shows how Ellie and Carl fell in love and lived their life together. We hear all the time how you should "marry your best friend". This scene is an example! Carl and Ellie were great friends, and, eventually, they fell in love and got married. The best part of this scene isn't them falling in love, however, it's them staying in love. Anyone can "fall in love", but it's really hard after you get married and fell in love to STAY in love (well, so I've heard, I'm too young for experience). The reason I cry every time in this scene is because I hope that'll be me someday- someone who has a love story that continues until I die. I just want someone that I can continue to fall in love with each passing day. Ellie and Carl were best friends throughout their life, and I believe that's why the love is so strong.
Honesty time!! Everyone wants to find true love. You're probably lying if you say you don't. But how many people truly want to stay in love? "Love" fizzles out. When you're in high school or college, there are so many relationships constantly going on and off. They think they're in "love", but it typically dies and there's a breakup, right? Now this isn't every in case, but a lot of cases. This UP love is heartbreakingly beautiful because they stay in love throughout their lifetime. I don't know about you guys, but I want to be married to my best friend and I want to continually fall in love with them every day. It's ambitious, yes, but I think that everyone can achieve it, you just have to put forth lots of effort... Staying in love... I want to fall in love, but I want it to be a never ending fall; a continuous fall in love like Ellie and Carl.
As Cinderella says, "A dream is a wish your heart makes". The heart is a weird thing. Proverbs 4:23 says "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.". Everything we do is based upon our heart, our feelings. While most of us desperately seek out love and long to be loved, we must guard our heart. I'll be the first to say I want a Disney romance. I want someone who loves me and I love back. I want to be in love! But I, too, have to realize that I need to protect my heart. Your heart is a fragile thing. While man can take pieces of your heart, please do know that there is someone that can put those pieces back together. Psalms 147:3 says that God "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.". This is really comforting to know because when people you loved hurt you and leave you, wounded and scarred, God will always be there to catch you when you fall, to wipe away your tears. You are never alone and you are always ALWAYS loved.
We all want a fairy tale love story. Disney provides these stories for us and makes us want to be those princesses who get swept off their feet. Most of us don't realize, though, that the Bible truly does have the best love story of all: a story of redemption, grace, and love. God Himself sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us because we are imperfect people. This perfect man died to take away our sins. This blameless figure died so that we could have eternal life and live in heaven with God. This holy being died so that we could have life and love and so we could have it abundantly. This is truly love and, though we'd love to have earthly love as seen in the movies, this is pretty amazing as well!
I hope you all find (or have found) love and I hope you continuously stay in love. I hope you find someone who makes you feel like a princess. I hope you get swept off your feet by your prince. I pray you'll guard your heart and never feel unloved or unworthy. No matter who you are or what you've done, you are beautiful and you are a daughter of the King. You have been, are, and forever will be a princess. Wear your crown proudly!
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...
*Disclaimer* I do not own ANY of the Disney images. They all belong to Disney! The view expressed in this piece are solely my own interpretation and opinions, and are not affiliated with Disney!