Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I lied..... PLUS Preview into what's to come!

Once Upon a Time...

Goooooood afternoon lovely people... Now, if anyone has read my last post you will know one thing:
I lied.
Yesss I know, I said I'd try to post and then, naturally, I got busy/forgot! Mostly because I hadn't done anything of any interest! However, I will update you on my life, as I gave you some tidbits in my last post...
~I still have my job! Woot woot! I am now starting to love it. I mean, I liked it before, but my coworkers now seem to tolerate me and I love seeing people! It's fun.
~I do not still have a boyfriend. Woot... woot? But we're still friends. Oh well, life goes on! Yay.
~I got good grades in college! Yippeee! :)
That's all haha :) Nothing of interest.


I actually came up with posting ideas, so expect some posts actually coming out soon! Here's a preview of what I want to do:
We all love Disney movies, right? I mean, I know I do! So I'm going to pick a Disney movie, write an  in-depth reasons as to why the Disney movie is so amazing, and, if it's a favorite Disney movie, what it could say about you! This was actually inspired by a picture I saw on Pinterest that talked about what your favorite Disney prince says about you! I realized it's a very interesting concept and I wanted to put in my two cents! :)

So that's what you can expect from me sometime soon! To get you through the days until then, I've included a piece (of MY favorite "prince") from the aforementioned picture! Check out the link below it to see the full picture and see what your favorite Disney prince says about you! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

BOOM baby!

Once Upon a Time...


      Hello dear people of the Internet! Now before you all throw your tomatoes and small animals at me, start booing, and put me in the stockades for not posting anything for a long time, can I use the
excuse "I was busy"?
      Yeah, it's lame. But I was! This year has been filled with lots of things! I got a boyfriend! I got a job! I was suffocated by the pressure of getting good grades in college! So many things! (That's not a lot of things). 
     Anyways. I have decided that I want to start bloggin' again! Why? Not because I'm good at it (let's be real, I haven't posted in 6ish months so that is definitely not a good reason), but because I do so enjoy it, even if I just post boring and uninteresting things. I will try to be consistent in posting and try to be interesting. I am definitely open to suggestions to talk about anything anyone would care to share with me because, otherwise, I'll find something I find interesting to talk about and no one wants to hear THAT! :) So with a new year, comes a new commitment and goal! Or goals. Also known as new years resolutions... I'll leave you with that.

Actually. Just kidding. I'll leave you with this:

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...