Wednesday, May 14, 2014

We've Got Some Catching Up To Do...

Once Upon a Time...

   Hello my friends! It has been a while... Lots of stuff has happened in my life in the past 3 months I haven't written: I finished my first year of college, parted ways with my roommates, bought my first appliance (a cute little mini fridge! :) haha), got a boyfriend, made some costumes... wait, what was that? Did you have a question?
 "You got a boyfriend?!"
Oh, well, yes, in fact I did! :) It's a cute story actually! But you don't wanna hear about THAT, all you really need to know is that he's spectacular and I'm kinda sorta head-over-heels for him :) Wellp. That's basically what's been going on in MY life!
    So I'm on summer break now and that's fun, I suppose! This summer I've vowed to be productive. I've been applying to jobs, but haven't really heard from any of them back... sooo I've accepted my fate as a jobless girl this summer and have decided to make the most of my joblessness and do productive things. I've been browsing the DIY section on Pinterest (I'm slightly addicted to that website and it's sad...) to find ideas of things to do and have found a couple, actually! I can't really do anything until next week because my mom has some people coming over this weekend and I can't really trash the house... dang it... But starting next week, I will be taking on random projects and I will keep you updated, showing you what I'm doing and all (basically proving that I AM being productive). I'm planning on sewing quite a bit (I have some oversized Goodwill dresses I bought and want to cut up... I mean... refashion?) and make things that will help me be more organized in my dorm room next semester. If you haven't been on Pinterest, I recommend it. Be warned, though, that you will get addicted. And you will want to be on it forever. RESIST! I'm not the best to give that advice, because I can be on there forever, but still. Try.
Well, that's all I've got for you right now. I'll update you on my project progress. And write if I feel like writing... Until then... have a picture of a cat:

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...