Monday, June 23, 2014

On Pause...

Once Upon a Time...

Hello lovely people!
I know I told you all I'd be posting pictures of projects I've been doing or have completed, and I promise I'm not lying! See, I've started like 5 projects already. The thing is, I get started then realize I have to make a trip to the city and purchase things at the fabric store or places like that and, frankly, I'm too lazy :) Ok, not really, but that's like a 30 minute drive and it takes gas and gas takes money... and also one has to be in the mood to do that, right? :)
So when I get my supplies I need, I promise I will show you all! Hopefully I'm doing that today, but we'll see.
In the meantime, here! Have a taco cat:


And They All Lived Happily Ever After...