Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I lied..... PLUS Preview into what's to come!

Once Upon a Time...

Goooooood afternoon lovely people... Now, if anyone has read my last post you will know one thing:
I lied.
Yesss I know, I said I'd try to post and then, naturally, I got busy/forgot! Mostly because I hadn't done anything of any interest! However, I will update you on my life, as I gave you some tidbits in my last post...
~I still have my job! Woot woot! I am now starting to love it. I mean, I liked it before, but my coworkers now seem to tolerate me and I love seeing people! It's fun.
~I do not still have a boyfriend. Woot... woot? But we're still friends. Oh well, life goes on! Yay.
~I got good grades in college! Yippeee! :)
That's all haha :) Nothing of interest.


I actually came up with posting ideas, so expect some posts actually coming out soon! Here's a preview of what I want to do:
We all love Disney movies, right? I mean, I know I do! So I'm going to pick a Disney movie, write an  in-depth reasons as to why the Disney movie is so amazing, and, if it's a favorite Disney movie, what it could say about you! This was actually inspired by a picture I saw on Pinterest that talked about what your favorite Disney prince says about you! I realized it's a very interesting concept and I wanted to put in my two cents! :)

So that's what you can expect from me sometime soon! To get you through the days until then, I've included a piece (of MY favorite "prince") from the aforementioned picture! Check out the link below it to see the full picture and see what your favorite Disney prince says about you! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...