Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Tasty Part of Our Christmas Traditions!

Once Upon a Time...

     Here's another tradition! CINNAMON ROLLS!!!!

     Every year, on Christmas, my mom makes cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We would typically wake up on Christmas, open stockings, then go eat breakfast before diving in to the rest of the gifts. This is like the only day we'd ever get cinnamon rolls and (I'll let you in on a secret...) I LOVE CINNAMON ROLLS. My mom would stay up the night before and make them so they would've risen and be ready to bake the next morning. However, she would try recipe after recipe and they never tasted super super good (and she'll admit it, too, so it's not like I'm bashing on her cooking). We even used to get the ready-to-bake ones from the freezer section. UNTIL last year. Oh dear me. My mother got a recipe, decided to try it, made it, and it. Was. HEAVENLY. We all now will freely say that my mom is the cinnamon roll queen and has achieved perfection. I love this tradition because (1) I love my mom's cooking and the fact she mastered cinnamon rolls makes it sooooo amazing and (2) I LOVE CINNAMON ROLLS!!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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