Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas traditions

Once Upon a Time...

     I'm baaaaaack!!! At least, I hope I am. Well, here I am on Christmas break with one college semester over with! Kind of exciting :) My first semester was good, but I'm hoping next semester will be better!
     SO today, in the spirit of the Christmas season, I am going to tell you all about some of my family's Christmas traditions each day!! A new tradition each day! We don't really have a ton- what we do usually varies year to year- but we do have some that we love to keep, and I'd love to share some with you.
     Today's tradition is our Christmas Eve tradition! For as long as I can remember we have this Christmas Eve tradition of opening the presents aunts/uncles/grandparents/friends sent us. This is also the time my brother and I open presents we got each other. This was always a good tradition because my brother HATES waiting to open presents :) We always loved opening presents- I mean who doesn't?- and it was fun to have a little excitement before Christmas. My dad also would read the Christmas story (can be found: ), which was nice, and then the kids were sent off to bed. Let's be real, though, and say we never slept. I mean, eventually we did, but we were always so excited it was hard to sleep!! One time, to "fix" this problem, my mom put on the Kenny G Christmas album... to this day, I hate hearing that. For starters, it kept me up instead of putting me to sleep. Secondly, because I was awake, I swear I listened to it ON REPEAT like 7 times. I was ready to chuck that CD player out the window.... Needless to say, the next morning I looked like a zombie and had a new hatred for saxophones...
    BUT ANYWAYS, that is basically our Christmas eve tradition. Tune in probably tomorrow where I share another!! I promise it won't be my story on why I hate tubas or something :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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