Friday, December 20, 2013

My Favorite Christmas Tradition!

Once Upon a Time...

    Although we have many more traditions, I'm going to stop at this one (which is probably my favorite).
     We have this Nativity set, right? It's this cute little plastic sculpture of just Mary, Joseph, Jesus and his manger. Now most Nativity sets have baby Jesus attached to his manger, but this one doesn't. He's removable. Ever since I was little, this was my favorite part. I LOVED that little Nativity set! We would pull the set out of the Christmas stuff and play with it. There was just one thing: baby Jesus was always missing! But, we were excited anyways. We'd make little stables out of shoeboxes and bring little sheep toys from LEGOs and stuff and set up the scene. On Christmas day, the baby Jesus would appear!! That was my favorite part of Christmas. My mom would said that I would run downstairs past all the presents and just go to the Nativity set, let out this excited squeal, and say "Baby Jesus is here!". It always amazed me as a kid, seeing Baby Jesus appear on Christmas. I'd carry him with me all day and, sometimes, I'd even put him on my pillow at night and tuck him in. Of course, now that I'm older, I know my mom hid him each year and made him appear, but still, it was the magic that came with Christmas. Through this small thing, my parents taught us to see what Christmas was really about. I mean, the gifts were always cool, but I never really remember what I got for Christmas... but I always will remember the excitement of seeing Baby Jesus in His little manger. This little toy represented the greatest gift of all. It represented Jesus Christ who was born in a manger and would end up sacrificing Himself so we could live eternally with God. I mean, what's a better gift than that!? No matter how many or how little presents we receive this year, next year, or any years to come, there is a greater gift out there- one that trumps any gift we could ever get in stores and that is the gift God gave us.

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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