Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's That Time of Year!!

Once Upon a Time...

    Whenever a year draws close to it's end, it seems like that's when reflecting begins! New Years Eve is when people usually start thinking about what they did or what happened to them that made a mark on their lives. I mean, you see it all over social media and all that good stuff. To me, it's really weird when a year comes to a close. Have you ever thought about how the year only happens once? There will never be another 2013 and there will never be another 2014 after this next year! In my opinion, that puts a whole heck of a lot of pressure on us! If you only have one year to do something, it seems like you are forced to do something AMAZING and impactful!!! That's kind of scary...
Soooo I started thinking of what I did in 2013 and I came up with some that were "important" or fun... I did more, I just don't remember :P haha

  • Graduated High School: Let's be real, this is a major accomplishment :)
  • Went to Odyssey of the Mind World Finals and came in 6th place: This was SO much fun. If you don't know what OotM is, it's basically a theater thing where you prepare a 7 minute skit and perform it in front of judges at Regional, State, and World level competitions. My team was awesome and they're like my best friends!! We placed 6th- which is a HUGE deal!!
  • Worked at a summer camp: I was every kid's favorite person, so that's cool...
  • Began "real" college: Come on, this is huge, too :D
  • Watched a ton of amazing movies: This is just fun, not really a big deal :) haha

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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