Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Wubby

Once Upon a Time...

    Last week you met my indoor kitty, Millie. Today I'd like to introduce you to our outdoor cat- Millie's brother- Wubby!!

Chillin' with the babes :)
Ok, so his real name is Stanley, but we like calling him "Wubby" wayyy better. It's some nickname my mom gives to "all cats she's ever had", according to her. He is, like I said before, Millie's brother and he's one of the sweetest cats you'll meet!! He was originally intended to be an indoor cat but, due to unforeseen events (aka he would leave some poo-poo on my parent's bed every time we took trips), he was banished from the comfortable life. He used to mind it, I think, but he seems to like it outside now. However, my mom does let the poor little thing inside sometimes if he whines enough- she gives in to whining quite easily :)

Wubby is a fun cat. Unlike Millie, who is deathly afraid of people, Wubby is a very social cat and wants to be the center of attention. If you sit down outside, he's on your lap. He'll follow you if you have to go anywhere outside, he LOVES boxes or anything he can sleep in and he'll plop down in the most inconvenient locations in hope's you'll pet him, he's just a crazy cat! :) He's just so FUN!!! Gotta love him!! :D

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday- Friendship Bracelet

Once Upon a Time...

     Making friendship bracelets is something I love to do and have quite a few of these bracelets on my wrist at the moment!! This is a new pattern I learned while at camp and I thought I'd share how to do it with you guys!! :) It's the "V" shaped one!!

So I am AWFUL at explaining things, especially this. And I didn't take pictures of every step like I should have... SO here's a link to a good tutorial for this bracelet pattern. I'll include MY finished product, but check out this great bracelet tutorial by Adik. It will help you way more than my description would. TRUST me :)

This is my pattern! :) Purty, huh?

*I used 3 1/2 arm-lengths (aka I held the string and pulled it to my shoulder- that equals 1 arm-
length), but you could probably get by with only 3. After you cut the strings, you fold the strings in half and tie the ends. Then you secure the ends- I tape it down, but you could also loop it on your toe (I've done that),  or clip it, or something like that. In the picture, I've already done the first "stitch".*

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Media Monday- Les Miserables (2012)

Once Upon a Time...

  Today we're going to talk about the 2012 musical version of Les Miserables!!! I've grown up with Les Miserables. My mom went and saw it with my dad on Broadway when it first came out and they became hooked, so I've listened to Les Miserables since I was little. Directed by Tom Hooper, this movie is different from many musicals because all the singing was done LIVE- aka no lip-synching or anything of the sort!! Pretty impressive!!
    The movie is based on the Broadway musical adaption of Victor Hugo's classic story of Les Miserables (a book I am in the process of reading- all like 1400 pages of it).
Jean Valjean, played
by Hugh Jackman
The story starts out with convict Jean Valjean, or prisoner 24601, in jail paying off his debt from stealing a loaf of bread. However, Valjean has completed his 19 year sentence and Inspector Javert, the "policeman" in charge of everything, gives him his yellow papers of parole and the duty of checking into a location at a certain time unless he wants to go back to jail. Valjean sets out in the world, not much enjoying his newfound freedom due to the mistreatment he- as an ex-convict- receives. He is turned out of every inn and is forced to sleep outside in front of a priest's home. The priest- the Bishop of Digne- finds him and invites him inside to eat and sleep. Valjean is met with a warm meal served on the finest silver they have and, as he's in bed, he decides to steal the very silver they generously let him eat off of. He is caught, however, and is returned in cuffs to the Bishop the next morning where the guards inform the Bishop that Valjean "had the nerve to say you gave him" the silver. The Bishop, being kindhearted, says Valjean is telling the truth, but he left so early, he forgot to take the silver candlesticks and gives Valjean the candlesticks as well. Valjean, feeling quite guilty, decides that he is going to become a better man but, to do this, he must throw away Jean Valjean entirely. With that, he rips up his parole papers and seeks to better his life. 
Javert, played by
Russell Crowe

    Eight years later, Valjean is no more. Instead, "Monsieur Madeline" has emerged as Valjean's attempt to change himself and he has become the mayor of a small little town, as well as the owner of a large beading factory. In one such factory, there is a young woman named Fantine who works for the mayor. Several other women, however, get her fired when they find out she has an illegitimate child. Cosette, Fantine's daughter, lives with an innkeeper and his wife (the Thenardiers) and Fantine sends what money she makes to support her daughter. However, because illegitimate children were a big deal in the time, the foreman of Valjean's factory sent Fantine on her way while Valjean dealt with other problems: Javert was here, but as a police chief for the town. Yet in a turn of events, Valjean, who had been known in prison for his incredible strength, saves the life of a man who was trapped under a cart- and Javert recognizes this feat of strength.
Fantine, played by
Anne Hathaway
MEANWHILE Fantine, who is now penniless, has to find a way to support her daughter so she goes to the sketchy marketplace to sell a locket. When the man doesn't pay her what she wants, she is approached by an offer from a woman who wants to buy her hair- and pay her well for it. So beautiful Fantine agrees and her hair is soon cut off. Not long after, a man wants to buy her teeth and does- but even that doesn't pay the debt she owes. So, then, in a moment of complete and utter desperation, Fantine becomes a prostitute (cue "I Dreamed a Dream"!). Eventually, winter comes and Fantine doesn't give this guy what he wants and he dumps snow down her dress (did you know Hugo based that part off a true story?!). Fantine attacks the man, Javert comes and the man lies and says she attacked him randomly. Valjean just happens to be there, hears her mention she has a child and can't go to jail, and he offers to help her- because now she's become quite sick.
The Thenardiers, played
by Helena Bonham Carter
and Sacha Baron Cohen
DOUBLE MEANWHILE Javert approaches Valjean and apologizes to him for thinking he was a convict. Turns out the REAL Jean Valjean was caught and facing trial!! The only thing is, that isn't the real Jean Valjean. Valjean feels guilty and breaks in the court announcing to everyone HE is Jean Valjean, then tells them to find him at the hospital where he goes to visit Fantine. Now on her deathbed from some unknown illness, Fantine's only wish is to see Cosette. Because it can't really be done, Valjean promises to take care of Cosette, to which Fantine agrees then dies shortly after. Javert finds Valjean at the hospital, but now Valjean begs for time to go help Cosette. Javert obviously denies the request but Valjean jumps out the window and disappears into the river, only to reappear near where Cosette is located. Come to find out Cosette is being mistreated by the Thenardiers and she is forced to go draw water from the well in the woods all alone- which is where Valjean finds her. He takes her back to the inn and tells them he'll pay whatever they want as long as they let her go with him. They settle on an amount and Cosette is whisked off to be with Valjean.
Cosette and Marius, played by
Amanda Seyfried and
Eddie Redmayne
Ten years later (and my favorite part of the story!!), the people of France are poor and in dire need of food. We see a gathering of the poor plotting a rebellion- a revolution led by a group of students, more specifically the leader of the group: Enjolras. A friend of Enjolras, Marius Pontmercy, is also with them and, though he is rich, he is pretending to be poor for some unknown reason. Marius is walking the streets one day and he notices a beautiful blonde-haired goddess (or something like that) and he's immediately in love. Who is this girl? None other than our girl Cosette out with her "dad". While Cosette and Marius are making googly-eyes, Valjean is being lured by the Thenardiers (who are con artists) to try to get money, yet they are thwarted by Javert who patrols the streets. Valjean disappears with Cosette to avoid being seen by Javert and Marius, still captivated by Cosette's beauty, asks his friend Eponine- the Thenardier's daughter who grew up with Cosette and is now madly in love with Marius- to go stalk her and find out where she lives. While she's doing that, Marius goes back to the ABC Café (the hangout of the revolution boys) and tells his friends about this amazing girl he's seen. Eponine returns and the two are whisked away to go find her. Cosette and Marius see each other, confirm the fact they both are madly in love with each other, yet are chased off by Monsieur Thenardier who is planning to rob Valjean's house. That, too, is thwarted and Valjean decides to move because people know his location now.
MEANWHILE the revolution is going to occur and they all get ready. The barricades are up, guns are loaded, and they wait for action. Finally, they decide the time is right and start the revolution. In an attempt to keep this short, everyone dies except Marius because Valjean found out Cosette and he have this love connection and Valjean saves Marius from the barricade. And when I say everyone dies I mean everyone dies. Everyone you will probably love will die and it kinda stinks. Anyways, Javert kills himself because the man he was hunting (Valjean) turns out to be a pretty nice guy and he can't live with the fact that he was wrong, Cosette and Marius are going to get married, but Valjean realizes he's dying (and doesn't want Cosette to find out he's a criminal) so Valjean hides away. The day of Cosette's wedding, they find out where Valjean is and the newly married couple journey to see Valjean where they arrive just in time for him to say his goodbyes and then he, too, dies and goes to a better place (where all our favorite characters are living!! :) haha). THE END.
OK so that was a looooong summary. It's basically something you have to watch to TRULY understand. Anyways...

Eponine, played by
Samantha Barks
My Favorite Character: My favorite character is Eponine. Why? Well, she's a misunderstood, lovesick girl who dies for the person she loves. Not like that explains why I like her, I just like her because... well... I like her? She's cool!!! She fights for what she believes in and never gives up hope!! She's a dreamer!! I also believe every girl feels like Eponine at least once in their life... minus the dying part.
For the record, I love Enjolras. He's pretty cool. I love that he's willing to die for a cause he feels is right.
*I'm also a Enjonine shipper for any of you other crazy people who do that :)

My Favorite Character Most People Don't Care About: Grantaire. Most people don't know who the heck he is because he's not mentioned very often. Grantaire is the drunk one. I love him because the guy who played him, George Blagden, made him quite entertaining. One of Grantaire's best moments in the movie is the one captured in the clip to the left- his "I am agog! I am aghast!". Look at his face!! He's just amusing :D haha

My Favorite Song: One Day More. This song is the most FUN song to
sing- especially if you BLAST it in the car :) When my mom and I watched this movie in the theater, I got chills. It was so crazy. I love this song...

My Favorite Scene: I don't really know. I'm going to say the "Little Fall of Rain" scene. It's so sweet... Although depressing
~It is rated PG-13 for suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements
~I personally give it 5 crowns out of 5 crowns! But that's cuz I've grown up with this.
~My trusty website that I always go to for my movie needs,, says:

This rating says it's "ON" (the green) for kids 14 and up! 
So there are some scenes in this movie that aren't too "great". The prostitute scene (basically the whole "Lovely Ladies" song), as well as the "Master of the House" scene can both be considered inappropriate for younger audiences. These scenes happen all within the first hour, so after that, there's just lots of death. There are also quite a bit of curse words throughout the whole movie. NOTE this is a longgggggggggggg movie. Like 2 1/2 hours long. If you don't like musicals, this probably isn't for you since it's almost ALL singing. But I love it :) Very much.
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
*NOTE: I do not own ANY rights to Les Miserables- the pictures, the quotes, the videos, ANYTHING. This all belongs to Universal Pictures!!*

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spiritual Sunday- James 1:2-3

Once Upon a Time...

     Some kids in my youth group went on a trip this summer and came back with tons of cool stories, new friends, and a plan to dive deeper into a book of the Bible. The book most of them picked was James and I decided that, even though I can't go, I'll do it, too! :) So I'm going to focus on a couple of verses at a time and go as "in depth" as my teenage brain can manage. I'll offer MY interpretation of it and what it means to me and things like that. Please note that because I am not a Bible scholar or anything of the sort my interpretations will not be as good and are "amateur" thoughts. This is my Bible study shared for you! :)

James 1:2-3
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (NIV)

  • God tests those He loves (see the story of Job for an example!). If your faith withstands the trials put before you, you will learn to persevere in the long run! Look at trials with joy and face them knowing the God of the universe is on YOUR side and has a plan for everything- Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV).
  • God has a purpose for our trials. Like Joseph, God will use us in a way He sees fit. What we plan or want isn't necessarily the path God wants us to take!! He has a plan!! Just trust Him to use your trials for His glory!
  • "Run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up" (Part of Hebrews 12:1- God's Word Translation). If God says trials develop perseverance, we must be ready to run despite the obstacles! Hurdles will pop up during our race, but we must keep going- they build perseverance!!!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scrumdiddlyumptious Saturday- Banana Bread

Once Upon a Time...

    In our house, bananas rarely get eaten. Why? Well, I am very picky with my bananas- there has to be green still on the peel- and the rest of my family doesn't eat them quickly so it's perfectly logical when the bananas get very VERY ripe. Last week while my brother and I were at camp, my mom had a get-together for her friends and they all had ice cream. She bought a TON of bananas for banana splits and (guess what!?) no one had any. So we had the TONNNN of bananas sitting on our counter ripening away!! They became so brown and spotted that they were no longer edible... or were they?! You can always make banana bread with these bananas!! And that's exactly what we did...

Makes 1 loaf
*No need for a mixer!*

3 or 4 VERY ripe bananas (black is great), mashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups flour
About 1/3 cup dark chocolate pieces

1. Preheat the oven to 350

2. Mash bananas with a potato masher in a big bowl.

3. With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas.

4. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla.

5. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over mixture and mix in.

6. Add flour last and mix well.

7. Pour into a buttered loaf pan.

8. Add chocolate AFTER you pour the batter in the pans. Sprinkle on top of the batter and push into batter until covered- this keeps them from settling on the bottom of the pan!

9. Bake for 1 hour or until brown on top.
10. Cool slightly before slicing.
11. Enjoy!!
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Photo Friday- Nutelllaaaaa

Once Upon a Time...

   Take a minute to soak in the greatness of this picture:

    Do I have to say more??? :) This is by far the best picture ever and I want to be this girl's best friend!!! We could get fat together!!! :D

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Talking Thursday- PicMonkey Update

Once Upon a Time...

   So I'd like to take a minute of appreciation in regards to PicMonkey's new update:

    Now I don't know how many of you have ever used PicMonkey, but this is my life. I found this amazing picture editing site a while back and have devotedly used it ever since. Most of the pictures on this blog have gone through PicMonkey one time or another!! This is a great, free site that lets you edit pictures in so many cool ways!! I love it!! I've even got my family hooked :)
    SO I just started making collages because they're fun to make and I also have a Les Miserables addiction that required collages :) I hated making collages, though, because I had to edit photos BEFORE I threw them together to make a collage!! It was a pain in the butt... BUT (hehe see what I did? :) haha) this new update sort of gets rid of the pain!! You can resize and all, but then you can immediately go to add the cool effects after you make your collage!!! AHH it's gonna save me so much tiiiimeeeee!!! 
If you guys don't use PicMonkey, I'm sorry for making a boring post. But seriously. Go try it out. My guess is you will fall in love :)
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...
PS. The PicMonkey logo and screenshot belongs to PicMonkey!! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Millie!!

Once Upon a Time...

   Today I would like to introduce you all to a fluffy member of our family- Millie!! We've had Millie and her brother, Stanley (affectionately called Wubby), since they were little kittens and they're about 10ish years old now :) They were born to my grandma and grandpa's Siamese cat and we BEGGED our mom to let us take them home!!! They had two other siblings, but we only got these two lil' furballs :)
     Millie is my pal. Like, this cat adores me. She's so darn cute!! If I'm doing homework, she'll lay all across the paper/computer and will not move. My mom hates her, though, because she's lazy and a HUGE scaredy-cat. Millie runs when she sees my dad (although he's never done anything to her!!) and she hates being on people's lap and she just is a very anti-social cat!! Except to me! :) Like I said, she's my baby! :)

My Calculus Kitty!! :)

She's gonna have a hard time when I leave for college in a couple weeks and my family will be kept up by her mournful meowing for sure!! :) Oh what fun!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday? REVERSE Tuesday!

Once Upon a Time...

    So you know how Tackle-It Tuesday was supposed to be a day where we get all motivational and tackle something!!! Like we're supposed to do a project or whatever??? WELL, this Tuesday I was quite lazy and realized the only thing I did was the opposite... SO today is REVERSE Tackle-It Tuesday!!! :)

First, I started out with a nicely made bed (see Illustration)!! You can see here that my bed is positioned in front of a window (with a window seat!!) so it takes up less wall space!!! Although my room is HUGGGGEEEE, I only have 3/4 of an actual wall with wall space. The rest is taken up by doors... or windows... ANYWHO!!!

After the first step, I slept in it and had quite a wonderful night's sleep filled with amazing dreams!!!! When I woke up, THIS happened!!! My nicely made bed had turned into... I don't know, the Bed-Hulk?? I dunno what to call it :)
I even lost my sheets!! But no worries, my lil' kitty found them!! :)

This has been a tutorial on how NOT to make your bed!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Media Monday- Pride and Prejudice

Once Upon a Time...

     Okay, now once in your life you should read or watch some version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I'm here today to share with you my favorite movie adaption of this classic!! It's the 2005 version with Kiera Knightley!! 

     You should know the story. If not, here we go! :) Elizabeth Bennet is one of five sisters and daughter to a Mrs. Bennet who seems to have her heart set on marrying off here daughters. When a Mr. Bingley arrives in town, Mrs. Bennet immediately wants to meet him- since he is a handsome, rich eligible bachelor!! The Bennets are invited to a ball and the sisters- Jane (the eldest), Elizabeth, Mary (the quiet, "boring" one), Kitty and Lydia (the flirts)- are introduced to Mr. Bingley- who becomes smitten with Jane- but Elizabeth notices another man that night- a Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is Bingley's friend and appears to be quite stuck-up and rude.
Jane Bennet
Over the course of time, Jane's friendship with Mr. Bingley grows and, on one occasion, is invited to Netherfield (his house) for lunch. Mrs. Bennet sees it's going to rain and sends Jane out on a horse and is therefore caught in a downpour and becomes sick- forcing her to stay at Netherfield (much to Mrs. Bennet's happiness!). Elizabeth decides to go take care of her sister and walks the long walk to Netherfield. Mr. Bingley's sister, Miss Bingley, is disgusted with her arrival due to her muddy and unladylike appearance, and seems to hate her even more when she realizes Mr. Darcy's attention turned towards Elizabeth.
Mr. Bingley
     Eventually Jane and Elizabeth arrive home, only to be met by their cousin, Mr. Collins- a clergyman who stands to inherit Mr. Bennet's property when he dies. Mr. Collins figures that, to keep the house in the family, he will marry one of the Bennet daughters and his sight is set on Elizabeth. This creep proposes to her, only to have her turn him down.
Meanwhile, the militia has arrived in their neighborhood- much to the delight of Kitty and Lydia. These girls love a man in uniform and find every possible way to capture their attention. When one such soldier, a Mr. Wickham, becomes friends with the Bennets, Elizabeth can't help but wonder if she likes him- he sure likes her!! After an awkward encounter with Mr. Darcy, Wickham spills his life story of how Darcy cheated him out of a good life.
At the same time, Jane becomes saddened when Miss Bingley writes to tell how they all were moving back to London. The man she thought loved her was now leaving- only because his sister didn't think she was "good enough".
Mr. Wickham
MEANWHILE (again), Charlotte- a close friend of Elizabeth- tells Elizabeth that she is now engaged to Mr. Collins- the same Mr. Collins that proposed to Elizabeth. They get married and Elizabeth goes to visit them, only to find out that Collin's "wealthy benefactor" (on whose estate Collin's lives on) is the aunt of Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy comes to visit his aunt and sees Elizabeth, whom he is now seen to be drawn to. One day, he randomly and unexpectedly proposes to Elizabeth and she turns him down, telling him how arrogant, unpleasant and rude he is, then goes on to yell at him for separating Bingley and Jane and his mistreatment of poor Mr. Wickham. Later, a letter arrives from Mr. Darcy explaining everything. He admits he told Bingley to let go of Jane- only because he thought she didn't love him and was only after his money (since she's poor and he's really wealthy)- and then goes on to tell the TRUE story of Mr. Wickham, who was "disinherited" by Darcy because he tried to elope with his sister, Georgiana Darcy, because of her money.
Elizabeth arrives home, her newfound knowledge of Wickham causing her to keep her distance, but it's not long until his regiment moves to Brighton. Lydia, on the other hand, has been invited to go to Brighton to stay with an old friend that lives there and her father allows her to go. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was invited to travel with some relatives, the Gardiners, and, while traveling, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner tell her they are close to Pemberley, Mr. Darcy’s estate, and would like to tour it. Darcy is said to be away, so they go visit Pemberley, which is a beautiful home with gorgeous things, and she is surprised when the servants keep saying how great and generous he is towards them. Suddenly, Darcy arrives home early and sees Elizabeth, asking how she liked his house and such. An invitation arrives at their hotel inviting them to come to his house and meet his sister. They do so and (in the movie) it's the first time he smiles- best
part :) haha!!!
Bennet sisters (left to right): Lydia, Kitty, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary
However, a letter arrives for Elizabeth that contains horrifying news: Lydia has eloped with Mr. Wickham. "Fearful of the disgrace such a situation would bring on her entire family, Elizabeth hastens home. Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Bennet go off to search for Lydia, but Mr. Bennet eventually returns home empty-handed. Just when all hope seems lost, a letter comes from Mr. Gardiner saying that the couple has been found and that Wickham has agreed to marry Lydia in exchange for an annual income. The Bennets are convinced that Mr. Gardiner has paid off Wickham, but Elizabeth [soon finds out] that the source of the money, and of her family’s salvation, was none other than Darcy." (quotation from SparkNotes).
Lady Catherine
Wickham and Lydia are now married, and soon Mr. Bingley comes back to Netherfield and visits Jane again. Eventually, Bingley proposes and she quickly accepts. The same day, Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Darcy's aunt), pays a visit and tells Elizabeth that she's heard that Darcy
had proposed. She states that Darcy is already been set up to marry HER daughter- a sickly girl- and demands Elizabeth to not marry Darcy. Elizabeth replies, telling her she is not engaged to Darcy but she wouldn't dare promise that and kicks Lady Catherine out of her house. Later on, Elizabeth goes walking and sees Darcy coming towards her and he tells her his feelings haven't changed and he asks that, if she still didn't want to marry him, tell him at once- to which she stays silent. He basically proposes and she accepts, much to her parent's surprise and, in the end, she becomes Mrs. Darcy and Jane becomes Mrs. Bingley. The end! :)
My favorite character: I'm going to have to sayyyyyyyyy Elizabeth Bennet because I love how she does what she wants and won't let anyone tell her what to do. She's her own person and it's just kinda awesome! :)

My favorite scene: I suppose my favorite scene would be when she visits Pemberly with the Gardiners. I like how she realizes "oh this could have been mine!" and I like when she meets Georgiana.

My favorite quote: "Oh look! People!" This is said by Mr. Bennet when he opens the door after a conversation with his wife and sees all his daughters eavesdropping :) I say this quite often!!


~It is rated PG for some mild thematic elements
~I personally give it 4.5 crowns out of 5 crowns! I love this movie, though!

~My trusty website that I always go to for my movie needs,, says:

This rating says it's "ON" (okay) for anyone 11 and up!!

There's nothing bad in it, so I'd say anyone can watch it! :)
GOOD movie!! LOVEEE IT!!!
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
*NOTE: I do not own ANY rights to Pride and Prejudice- the pictures, the quotes, the videos, ANYTHING. This all belongs to Focus Features!!*

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Heyyyy guys!!!
So I am super sorry for not posting for a while!! Like I mentioned last Thursday, I was at a camp last week and then I headed straight for a retreat so I just got back officially today!!! I am so tired, it's not even funny. But both were amazing and I'm so glad I went!!
BUT I wasn't able to get all the posts scheduled and posted, mostly due to packing, and for that I apologize!!! I should (hopefully) be back up and running next week :)


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Talking Thursday- Cinderella Costume!

Once Upon a Time...

     I told you guys I wanted to be a costume designer for Disney, right? So I decided to show you a Cinderella costume I made!
     The week of Halloween, I decided to dress up as someone every day that week. We did Disney day and I made me a Cinderella costume out of old sheer curtains and a dress bought at Goodwill! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- 3D Glasses

Once Upon a Time...

     I love movies. If you haven't figured that much, you must not have been paying attention. I LOVEEEE movies. And I collect things!! So it wasn't that crazy when I started collecting the 3D glasses that came with the movie!!
Special Star Wars Episode I glasses!
     My first 3D movie I ever saw was with my dad and brother a couple years ago. The movie we went and saw was Disney/Pixar's UP (SUCH a good movie- I cry ever time!). Since then, I've collected quite a few pairs of glasses (and tickets) from movies such as Avengers, Star Wars, Titanic, Epic, etc.
  So what I do with my glasses is currently put them in a jar (until my collection overflows) and I put a sticky note inside of the bag including the details of the movie (what movie the glasses accompanied, when day we saw the movie and who I went with).
    That is my crazy, random collection! :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Media Monday- A Messenger (Colton Dixon)

Once Upon a Time...

How many of you like American Idol? How many of you watched the 11th season of AI? That season was the first and only season I have watched thus far and I loved it!! However, when they kicked Colton Dixon off the show, I refused to watch it. Every elimination episode, I told my friend I was watching with it that, if he was kicked off, I was no longer going to watch it. And I did just that!! I didn't even Google what happened. This guy was (and is) AWESOME and they kicked him off!
     Colton Dixon ended up placing seventh on AI and, despite the fact he didn't win, he has still become a successful artist- yay!! The best part is he is a Christian. He has an amazing voice and it's awesome that God used his Idol career to reach more people!
     Colton released his first album in January (this year- 2013) and is absolutely incredible. He is definitely, by far, my favorite Christian artist. You guys seriously have to YouTube his songs or something or, even better, buy his album!! I was lucky enough to get to see him on Third Day's Miracle Tour!! It was amazing how the live versions of his songs sound EXACTLY like the edited versions!! THAT'S how good he is!! I mean, most people autotune their voice or whatever and sound bad live, but NOT Colton. He's great. Seriously. Check out his album.
My favorite song: My favorite song on Colton's album is the song "Rise". This song is really uplifting and has helped me when I'm feeling down quite a bit. It's a beautiful song, has a beautiful message, and is just beautiful! :)


~I give it 5 crowns out of 5 crowns! No duh, I'm a big fan :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...
*Go buy this album on iTunes or something!! Here's a link for Amazon!! *