Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- 3D Glasses

Once Upon a Time...

     I love movies. If you haven't figured that much, you must not have been paying attention. I LOVEEEE movies. And I collect things!! So it wasn't that crazy when I started collecting the 3D glasses that came with the movie!!
Special Star Wars Episode I glasses!
     My first 3D movie I ever saw was with my dad and brother a couple years ago. The movie we went and saw was Disney/Pixar's UP (SUCH a good movie- I cry ever time!). Since then, I've collected quite a few pairs of glasses (and tickets) from movies such as Avengers, Star Wars, Titanic, Epic, etc.
  So what I do with my glasses is currently put them in a jar (until my collection overflows) and I put a sticky note inside of the bag including the details of the movie (what movie the glasses accompanied, when day we saw the movie and who I went with).
    That is my crazy, random collection! :)

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