Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday- Friendship Bracelet

Once Upon a Time...

     Making friendship bracelets is something I love to do and have quite a few of these bracelets on my wrist at the moment!! This is a new pattern I learned while at camp and I thought I'd share how to do it with you guys!! :) It's the "V" shaped one!!

So I am AWFUL at explaining things, especially this. And I didn't take pictures of every step like I should have... SO here's a link to a good tutorial for this bracelet pattern. I'll include MY finished product, but check out this great bracelet tutorial by Adik. It will help you way more than my description would. TRUST me :)

This is my pattern! :) Purty, huh?

*I used 3 1/2 arm-lengths (aka I held the string and pulled it to my shoulder- that equals 1 arm-
length), but you could probably get by with only 3. After you cut the strings, you fold the strings in half and tie the ends. Then you secure the ends- I tape it down, but you could also loop it on your toe (I've done that),  or clip it, or something like that. In the picture, I've already done the first "stitch".*

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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