Thursday, July 25, 2013

Talking Thursday- PicMonkey Update

Once Upon a Time...

   So I'd like to take a minute of appreciation in regards to PicMonkey's new update:

    Now I don't know how many of you have ever used PicMonkey, but this is my life. I found this amazing picture editing site a while back and have devotedly used it ever since. Most of the pictures on this blog have gone through PicMonkey one time or another!! This is a great, free site that lets you edit pictures in so many cool ways!! I love it!! I've even got my family hooked :)
    SO I just started making collages because they're fun to make and I also have a Les Miserables addiction that required collages :) I hated making collages, though, because I had to edit photos BEFORE I threw them together to make a collage!! It was a pain in the butt... BUT (hehe see what I did? :) haha) this new update sort of gets rid of the pain!! You can resize and all, but then you can immediately go to add the cool effects after you make your collage!!! AHH it's gonna save me so much tiiiimeeeee!!! 
If you guys don't use PicMonkey, I'm sorry for making a boring post. But seriously. Go try it out. My guess is you will fall in love :)
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...
PS. The PicMonkey logo and screenshot belongs to PicMonkey!! 

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