Sunday, July 7, 2013

Spiritual Sunday-

Once Upon a Time...

     Once Upon a Time... there was nothing. There was nothing until a great and powerful being spoke the world into existence. His name? Well, His name was, and is, God.
    God spent seven days creating the world- the trees, the water, night and day, animals and flowers- and, on the sixth day, humans were created. Their names were Adam and Eve and they were beings created in the likeness of God. God had placed Adam and Eve in a Garden with everything they could ever want and gave them only one rule: not to eat of the Forbidden Fruit. Life was good until a serpent came along and prodded curiosity to take it's hold and persuading them to eat the fruit. They did and that is when sin entered the world.
    We all sin. Every single one of us. There's not one person who won't sin in their lifetime. However, God didn't- and doesn't- give up on the human race. Instead, His immense love for us is the reason He sent His Son- a perfect and holy being- down to us. His Son took the form of a human and came pure and blameless into our world. His name is Jesus.
    His mission was simple: save us all from our sins and give us everlasting life with Him and His Father in heaven. How would He achieve such a mission? In order to save us, this hero had to die for us. This savior was tortured, beaten, and put on a cross to die for our sins. He had the power to stop it but, here's the thing, He didn't. He knew it was the only way we could be saved. So He sacrificed His life so we could have one. As He hung on the cross, He bore all of our sins. He took every sin that everyone who was living and ever will live ever committed and they died with Him on that cross.
     But that's not the end of the story. Jesus was placed in a tomb, pronounced dead, but three days later, the tomb was empty. Two women went to visit his grave only to see the huge stone that was placed in the entrance of the tomb had been rolled away and the tomb was empty.
     This man, the Son of God, had defeated the grave, He had conquered death, and is alive. Because of His sacrifice, we can now have everlasting life.
     Like Chris Tomlin's version of "Amazing Grace", sings, "My chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, My Savior, has ransomed me!" We are now free because Jesus has paid the ultimate cost for our sins. We can have life.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28 NIV)
 To read more about this, you can look in Genesis 1-3 (for Adam and Eve and the creation of the world) and the book of John- or even Matthew, Mark and Luke- for the account of Jesus!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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