Saturday, August 17, 2013

Scrumdiddlyupmtious Saturday- Oreo Truffles

Once Upon a Time...

What they're *supposed* to look like.

     One of my friends from school made these and they were AMAZING!! However, I made these last night and they definitely weren't as good as hers... BUT THEY WERE GOOD!!


1 (16 ounce) package Oreos
1 (8 ounce) package of cream cheese
1 box of baking chocolate, or almond bark, melted

1. Crush Oreos- leave several aside if you would like to use crumbs on top of the finished truffles.

2. Add cream cheese and mix until blended.

3. Roll cookie mixture into balls.

4. Put Oreo balls in fridge for 30 minutes to an hour.

5. Dip the balls in melted chocolate and put on wax paper.

6. *Optional step*: sprinkle cookie crumbs on top of melted chocolate.

7. Refrigerate for an hour or until firm.
8. Eat themmm!! :)

*I used, once again, chocolate bunnies for the melted chocolate but they did not work very well. I HIGHLY recommend using the baking chocolate they suggested!! They still tasted good, they just could've looked prettier!*

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

PS. I found the recipe on

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