Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday: Packing for Dorm Life

Once Upon a Time...

     The plus side of living 30 minutes from your college is that you don't have to pack as much as you need to. BUT here's a sneak peek of what I'm bringing to college (next Tuesday will be Moving Into a Dorm so you can see my "final" product :) haha):

~Towels!!! (Boringgg)


~Toiletries!!! (Almost as boring- except I got Disney Princess Band-Aids!! :) Oh yeah!)

~My purtyful bedspread!

~My TANGLED Pillowcase!!

Now onto the best parts...

~My Hamish stuffed animal from Brave

~My Pascal stuffed animal!!! :)

Soooo I'm super excited... :) I leave tomorrowwww!!! Can't believe it... Hope I don't get beat up with all my Disney things :) I'm such a little kid at heart!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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