Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday: Changing a Lightbulb

Once Upon a Time...

    Today I am going to explain to you how to change a light bulb!! :)

What you need:
  • Light bulbs
  • A light that has burnt bulbs
  • A ladder (optional)
  • A tall person (optional)
What you do:

  1. Remove burned-out light bulb.
  2. Put new light bulb in the socket.
  3. Turn on the light!!
      If you have a ceiling light, this is where the ladder and tall person come in handy!! I used my brother as the tall person. These are the steps for that...

1. Find the "dead" light. So sad...

2. Take out the bad bulb. It's OK to be angry at it.

3. Put in a nice bulb! We love this bulb!!

4. Be happy because you now have LIGHT!!!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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