Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spiritual Sunday- Forgiveness (TobyMac song)

Once Upon a Time...

    Today I'm going to take a brief "time-out" from James to share with you something else!! Ok, so this week I went school shopping!!! As I was driving down the road to whatever store I was headed to, this song came on the radio and I liked it so I remembered part of the lyrics so I could Google it when I came home!! After I found out the title I went to YouTube and discovered the lyric video. I watched it and a wave of chills came over me. Like tons of goosebumps. This is such a powerful song and I just want to share it with you guys!!! The song is by TobyMac and is called "Forgiveness". Now some of you might be turned away because it's a Christian "rap" song, but there's a really great message behind it and I encourage you to keep watching!! I hope you enjoy it!! :)

This song is, if you haven't figured it out, about forgiveness. For me, the most impacting part of this song is when it says "No matter how lost you are... No matter how hurt you are... No matter how wrong you are... No matter who you are, you're not that far, you're not too far from forgiveness". This is so true!! No one is too far gone from forgiveness. No one deserves the forgiveness God gives us, but that's the beauty of it- He gives it to us anyways!! Like the song says, "We all make mistakes some time and we all step across that line", but God forgives us and loves us nevertheless!! It's incredible how awesome His love is for us!! I think this is why this song touched me so much. We're not too far from God's forgiveness. Nobody's perfect- not even close!!! But God still forgives us for our sins and loves us just as we are. It's also super cool that God forgave (and continues to forgive) EVERYBODY. You could be so far from God, but He still loves you and will forgive you if you ask for His forgiveness!!
"No matter who you are, you're not that far, you're not too far from forgiveness"!!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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