Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Kristen and Assigning Movie Parts

Once Upon a Time...

     I had a sleepover last night with my frand Kristen!! :) Today, we had a ton of fun doing a bunch of crazy, random things!! :) Except I'm REALLY tired today because we stayed up until about 5:30 this morning watching the Hunger Games and Abduction... and woke up around 10. Sooo I'm tired. But it was so totally worth it because (1) I got to hang out with my friend and (2) we're both obsessed with the Hunger Games and that's probably why we watched it last night...
She and I have this weird thing that we do whenever we watch a movie: we sort of "assign" the movie parts to people we know. To demonstrate this, I'm going to use the movie Miss Congeniality for an example. In that movie, Kristen has been deemed Agent Gracie Hart due to similar personalities and attitudes towards things while I am Cheryl Fraiser (aka Miss America) because of my gorgeousness and charming personality. I'm totally kidding. I have no idea why I'm her. BUTTTT we do that. It's weird, I know, but it's really fun!! I mean, not only do we get to watch and enjoy the movies, but we also have a ton of fun thinking of the people we know who fit which characters!!! I dunno. We're weird :)
It's kinda sad, though, because last night was probably the last sleepover I'll ever have with any of my friends because I'll be chilling in a dorm!! That in itself is crazy.
Anyways. That's all I'll say :) Haha

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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