Monday, August 12, 2013

Media Monday- Anthem Lights

Once Upon a Time...

     I am a subscriber to a magazine called "Sisterhood Magazine", which is basically a Christian magazine for teen girls. Check it out! It's pretty great!! Anyways, in the March/April issue, chilling in the spotlight on the front cover was this band called Anthem Lights. Me, being a curious girl, read the article then YouTubed them. Oh. My. Gosh. I was exposed to a whole new world (cue flying carpet)!! This band is INCREDIBLE!!!

Left to Right: Chad Graham, Caleb Grimm, Alan Powell,
Joey Stamper
     The band is made up of 4 guys: Alan Powell, Chad Graham, Caleb Grimm and Joey Stamper. As the magazine says, "these guys make it their mission to serve God with their music"- and they DO!!! Their songs are really amazing and have great meanings and they're so encouraging!!
Anthem Lights' ministry is to shine the light through their music. Not only do these guys appeal to Christians, but they try to reach unbelievers through their music, as well. One way they do that is by covering popular, secular songs on YouTube. For example, if someone finds their song cover and likes it (let's be real: who could not?), they might want to find out what else they sing and stumble across one of their Christian songs.
Simply put, I am an Anthem Lights fan now. I highly suggest you check them out!!

My favorite song: My favorite song written by them is probably "Lifehouse".

My favorite cover song: Tough one. I really like their version of "Don't You Worry Child" by Swedish House Mafia. One, they sing it beautifully. Two, they added a part in it and dang. It was really intense... If you've never listened to the real song to know what they added, they put "You are loved, no mistake, you are perfectly made".

~I give it 5 crowns out of 5 crowns! Shocker, huh? :)
*SO if you like them or whatever, you can support them and buy their album/covers!!
They're also all over iTunes. I should know, I bought like every song :)
Also check out Sisterhood Magazine!!
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

*I own no rights to the Anthem Lights songs, or even the quotes from Sisterhood Magazine. They belong to them!! Not me!! :)

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