Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- I'm MOVING IN!!!

Once upon a Time...

    It's official!!! I have my dorm and I'm a COLLEGE KID!!! Kinda scary. I'm so excited, though!! Obviously- I've posted about this a couple days in a row... So today I'm moving into my dorm. I'm planning on going back home until tomorrow, though, just because. BUT, like I said, "planning". Might change. I am sharing a tiny little dorm with 2 other girls but, unfortunately, I won't meet them until Friday because that's when THEY are moving in!! Oh well, that gives me plenty of time to explore my campus and meet people!! Plus, if I do stay, they're having a movie night... I do love movies... OK I'll get back to ya'll later!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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