Saturday, August 10, 2013

Scrumdiddlyumptious Saturday- No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars

Once Upon a Time...

    My mom found this amazing recipe on Facebook one day and we all oohed and ahhed at how amazing they looked. Later that day, Kristen and I (this was when she was sleeping over) went over to one of our classmates' houses because he had borrowed my textbooks and I needed them back. Anyways, I, who really just wanted an excuse to make these bars, suggested we make these for him and offer them as a "trade" and thank you for giving me my books!! We made them and OH MY GOSH they're so good!! He even liked them and asked for the recipe!! :D haha  So here's how to make 'em!!
*super easy recipe!!*

1 cup salted butter (melted)
2 cups of graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 3/4 cup powdered sugar
1 cup peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 (11 ounce) bag of milk chocolate chips
*see below for changes we made*

  1.  Combine all ingredients together- EXCEPT the chocolate chips- in a medium bowl.
  2. Stir until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  3. Pour peanut butter mixture into a baking pan (9x13 or so).
  4. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Stir chocolate  and pour over the peanut butter layer. Spread it around so it covers everything.
  6. Refrigerate bars for 1 hour. Cut them while they are cool.
  7. Enjoy!! :)

**So when we made this, we made minor changes. First off, we used chocolate bunnies instead of chocolate chips. My mom kind of stocked up on chocolate bunnies when Easter rolled around, so we just melted enough bunnies to make 11 ounces. Also, our peanut butter mixture was pretty chunky because I crushed the graham crackers into bigger pieces then I should have so, instead of stirring until it's "smooth and creamy" just mix in until you think it's right. It turned out perfectly fine, though!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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