Monday, August 19, 2013


Once Upon a Time...

    Hey guys, I am SUPER sorry I haven't posted anything today!! I actually probably won't be able to post anything until maybe Wednesday due to my classes!! It's crazy. But I'm having a TON of fun at college and I'm hoping to get this up later.

Just a heads up, at the end of this month (or maybe even next week), I'm planning on changing the schedule around a little bit. This is the plan:

Motivational Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Whatever Wednesday
Talking Thursday
Photo Friday
Cinema Saturday
Spiritual Sunday

Sound good?? Hope so. I think that would be wayyy easier and I'd be able to get it up more often. Tackle-It Tuesday is what is taking me FOREVAA :) It's so hard to get it up, haha Anyways!!

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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