Thursday, August 15, 2013

Talking Thursday- My Brother!!

Once Upon a Time...

My brother and I switched Christmas presents :)

     So this Saturday is my brother's 16th birthday!!! It's funny how many milestones there are this year: I turn 18, I leave for college and my brother turns 16!!! Probably more, but those are the "most important". So I'm coming home for the weekend so we can celebrate!! :)
Doing the dishes... and modeling...
As much as I don't ever want or like to admit it, I love my brother. He's my best friend and we're pretty close. I know that, as the school year progresses, I'm going to miss him sooo much. Brian (my brother) and I were homeschooled up until I was in high school and he was in middle school so we got crazy close. We played together, fought together- I mean, we did everything together!! My first (and only) fight happened because some guy started hitting my brother and I, naturally, got protective of Brian and beat the snot out of the kid!! Well, not really, but I did kick him in the butt and scare him off :) My proudest moment- haha!! We're HUGE movie buffs (go figure) and we can quote movies like no tomorrow. He can PERFECTLY do the Edna Mode "NO CAPES!!" scene- voice and all. It's kinda awesomely nerdy :)

Soooo, for his birthday, I bought him an assortment of superhero items including a poster, a comic, a board game, anddd that's about it. BUT I'm going to take him out to see the new Percy Jackson movie (which we are both big fans of!!) anddddd that should be fun :) One last "hoorah!" before we both go back to school. Should be fun :) haha

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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