Thursday, August 1, 2013

Talking Thursday- August

Once Upon a Time...

   Today is August 1st!! Wow, last month went by faaast!!! First, I'd like to say thank you to all who checked out my blog!!! I mean, over 400 page views in a month!! That's crazy!! :)
Second, this month is when most people go back to school (whoopee... oh joy...). No, I'm actually REALLY excited!! My first year of college and I plan to enjoy it!! :) Thankfully, I have roommates that like Disney!! :D I haven't met them, but I already like them!!! :D Soooo, because of college, this month will be quite hectic for me. I'm trying to write posts ahead of time, but who knows how that'll work out. Hopefully I can keep this up! :) So this is, I guess, another heads up in case that happens.
It stinks, though, that summer's almost at an end. It was fun, though!! I had fun at camp and I was in a small play which was incredible because all my greatest friends were there :) So I did some pretty fun stuff this summer!! What did you guys do?? Comment!! Email me!! I'd love to hear from ya!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After!!

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