Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Wubby

Once Upon a Time...

    Last week you met my indoor kitty, Millie. Today I'd like to introduce you to our outdoor cat- Millie's brother- Wubby!!

Chillin' with the babes :)
Ok, so his real name is Stanley, but we like calling him "Wubby" wayyy better. It's some nickname my mom gives to "all cats she's ever had", according to her. He is, like I said before, Millie's brother and he's one of the sweetest cats you'll meet!! He was originally intended to be an indoor cat but, due to unforeseen events (aka he would leave some poo-poo on my parent's bed every time we took trips), he was banished from the comfortable life. He used to mind it, I think, but he seems to like it outside now. However, my mom does let the poor little thing inside sometimes if he whines enough- she gives in to whining quite easily :)

Wubby is a fun cat. Unlike Millie, who is deathly afraid of people, Wubby is a very social cat and wants to be the center of attention. If you sit down outside, he's on your lap. He'll follow you if you have to go anywhere outside, he LOVES boxes or anything he can sleep in and he'll plop down in the most inconvenient locations in hope's you'll pet him, he's just a crazy cat! :) He's just so FUN!!! Gotta love him!! :D

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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