Monday, July 15, 2013

Media Monday- A Messenger (Colton Dixon)

Once Upon a Time...

How many of you like American Idol? How many of you watched the 11th season of AI? That season was the first and only season I have watched thus far and I loved it!! However, when they kicked Colton Dixon off the show, I refused to watch it. Every elimination episode, I told my friend I was watching with it that, if he was kicked off, I was no longer going to watch it. And I did just that!! I didn't even Google what happened. This guy was (and is) AWESOME and they kicked him off!
     Colton Dixon ended up placing seventh on AI and, despite the fact he didn't win, he has still become a successful artist- yay!! The best part is he is a Christian. He has an amazing voice and it's awesome that God used his Idol career to reach more people!
     Colton released his first album in January (this year- 2013) and is absolutely incredible. He is definitely, by far, my favorite Christian artist. You guys seriously have to YouTube his songs or something or, even better, buy his album!! I was lucky enough to get to see him on Third Day's Miracle Tour!! It was amazing how the live versions of his songs sound EXACTLY like the edited versions!! THAT'S how good he is!! I mean, most people autotune their voice or whatever and sound bad live, but NOT Colton. He's great. Seriously. Check out his album.
My favorite song: My favorite song on Colton's album is the song "Rise". This song is really uplifting and has helped me when I'm feeling down quite a bit. It's a beautiful song, has a beautiful message, and is just beautiful! :)


~I give it 5 crowns out of 5 crowns! No duh, I'm a big fan :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...
*Go buy this album on iTunes or something!! Here's a link for Amazon!! *

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