Monday, July 1, 2013

Media Monday- Tangled

Once Upon a Time...

     So it's Monday! Like I promised, I will be reviewing some type of media and today I picked to share one of my favorite movies with you- Tangled!

     Tangled (PG) is an animated Disney film that came out in 2010 and features a Disney twist on the classic tale of Rapunzel. Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell to earth and formed this magic golden flower with special healing properties. An old woman, Mother Gothel, discovered this flower and accessed it's powers through singing a special song and it turned her young. Meanwhile, in the kingdom, there lived a king and his wife- who happened to be pregnant. However, the worst happened and the queen became very sick, leading the whole kingdom to search for this magic flower. They found it and saved the queen, who gave birth to Rapunzel. She had beautiful blonde hair that had the same magical properties as the flower. Mother Gothel found this out and kidnapped her, raising Rapunzel as her own daughter and kept her locked in a high tower. In response to their daughter's kidnapping, the king and queen sent out tons of lanterns each year on her birthday in hopes that someday she'd return. Rapunzel was able to see these lanterns from her tower window and dreamed about going to see them.

Rapunzel! :)
FLASH FORWARD a couple years. Flynn Rider, a young, handsome thief, has stolen the Princess' precious crown. After betraying his companions, he flees from the Castle guards and winds up stumbling onto Rapunzel's tower. He thinks it is empty and climbs up into it, happy to be "alone at last" with his precious crown. All of a sudden, BAM! Rapunzel knocks him out with a frying pan. Now 18, this Princess has lost an argument with her "mother" and is deemed "too weak" to go out of the tower to see the lanterns for her birthday. Rapunzel stuffs Flynn in a wardrobe in hopes to prove Gothel wrong- that she is
Flynn Rider!!
capable of handling herself outside the tower. This doesn't happen, of course, and Rapunzel then ties Flynn to a chair and basically forces him to take her to see the lanterns if he wanted the crown back. The pair- along with Rapunzel's awesome pet chameleon Pascal and later enemy-guard-horse-turned-good-guy Maximus- take off on an adventure to go see the lanterns. Eventually, they have a fun day in the kingdom and do get to see the lanterns while they share a romantic moment where they realize they have feelings for each other (shocker, huh?). Worse comes to worst and the companions Flynn ditched are in cohorts with Mother Gothel and let Flynn get captured while Gothel gets back Rapunzel. While locked back in her room, Rapunzel comes to the realization that she IS the "lost princess" and confronts Mother Gothel who turns "officially" into the bad guy. Meanwhile, Flynn escapes and rushes to save Rapunzel, only to get stabbed by Gothel, who is awaiting him. Rapunzel begs Gothel to let her save him in return for doing whatever she wants and Gothel agrees. While Rapunzel is about to save Flynn, he heroically cuts her hair- turning it all brown and, therefore, losing all its magical abilities. Mother Gothel instantly ages and falls out of the tower, turning to dust. Back in the tower, Rapunzel is crying over Flynn when suddenly a tear falls and he comes back to life! Yay!! Lastly, they go to meet her parents and live happily ever after! :) THE END.

 Ok! So I apologize for the long summary. I'll continue now with my favorite things about it and all that good stuff!

My favorite character (human): I'm going to say right now that this is SUPER hard to pick! I LOVE so many characters! Buttttttt I'm going to have to say my favorite character would be... Flynn Rider. I mean, of course, right? I'll come out and tell you that he is my cartoon crush. Not going to deny it :) This man- er, animated man- is awesome. His wit and sarcasm truly make the movie! He starts out as this "tough guy" but, by the end, you realize he's just this sweet softy! :)

My favorite character (non-human): I had to do this because I wanted to share my love for Pascal. I want a chameleon. Like... so badly. But, unfortunately, in real life they don't act like Pascal. He's just so cute! You'd have to see the movie for an explanation.

My favorite scene: Although I do love the cute lantern scene, my favorite would probably have to be the bar scene. Those thugs are just great and I love the song, too! :) Once again, you'd have to watch the movie to understand. PLUS! There is a Hidden Mickey in this scene!! In the picture I put, look at the top!! See any familiar Disney character? ;)

My favorite song:  Mother Knows Best. This song is sung by Mother Gothel and it is SUCH a fun song to sing!! It's just great in general. Mother Gothel is like THE best Disney villain, in my opinion... alongside of Ursula from Little Mermaid.
 Mother Knows Best- Youtube Video!
Mirror Scene- Youtube video! :) 

My favorite quote: Once again, I have MANY. But this quote is amazing and is said by Mother Gothel: "Rapunzel, look in that mirror! You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady!!!! ..... oh look! You're  here, too!!"
~It is rated PG for brief mild violence
~I personally give it 5 crowns out of 5 crowns!
~My trusty website that I always go to for my movie needs,, says:
This rating says it's "ON" (the green) for kids 5 and up! 
I might be 17, but I love this movie. I highly recommend that you watch it if you haven't. Those who aren't too into animated movies might still like it- that's how my family and many of my friends are as well! CHECK IT OUT! :)
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
*NOTE: I do not own ANY rights to Tangled- the pictures, the quotes, the videos, ANYTHING. This all belongs to Disney!!*

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