Monday, July 22, 2013

Media Monday- Pride and Prejudice

Once Upon a Time...

     Okay, now once in your life you should read or watch some version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I'm here today to share with you my favorite movie adaption of this classic!! It's the 2005 version with Kiera Knightley!! 

     You should know the story. If not, here we go! :) Elizabeth Bennet is one of five sisters and daughter to a Mrs. Bennet who seems to have her heart set on marrying off here daughters. When a Mr. Bingley arrives in town, Mrs. Bennet immediately wants to meet him- since he is a handsome, rich eligible bachelor!! The Bennets are invited to a ball and the sisters- Jane (the eldest), Elizabeth, Mary (the quiet, "boring" one), Kitty and Lydia (the flirts)- are introduced to Mr. Bingley- who becomes smitten with Jane- but Elizabeth notices another man that night- a Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is Bingley's friend and appears to be quite stuck-up and rude.
Jane Bennet
Over the course of time, Jane's friendship with Mr. Bingley grows and, on one occasion, is invited to Netherfield (his house) for lunch. Mrs. Bennet sees it's going to rain and sends Jane out on a horse and is therefore caught in a downpour and becomes sick- forcing her to stay at Netherfield (much to Mrs. Bennet's happiness!). Elizabeth decides to go take care of her sister and walks the long walk to Netherfield. Mr. Bingley's sister, Miss Bingley, is disgusted with her arrival due to her muddy and unladylike appearance, and seems to hate her even more when she realizes Mr. Darcy's attention turned towards Elizabeth.
Mr. Bingley
     Eventually Jane and Elizabeth arrive home, only to be met by their cousin, Mr. Collins- a clergyman who stands to inherit Mr. Bennet's property when he dies. Mr. Collins figures that, to keep the house in the family, he will marry one of the Bennet daughters and his sight is set on Elizabeth. This creep proposes to her, only to have her turn him down.
Meanwhile, the militia has arrived in their neighborhood- much to the delight of Kitty and Lydia. These girls love a man in uniform and find every possible way to capture their attention. When one such soldier, a Mr. Wickham, becomes friends with the Bennets, Elizabeth can't help but wonder if she likes him- he sure likes her!! After an awkward encounter with Mr. Darcy, Wickham spills his life story of how Darcy cheated him out of a good life.
At the same time, Jane becomes saddened when Miss Bingley writes to tell how they all were moving back to London. The man she thought loved her was now leaving- only because his sister didn't think she was "good enough".
Mr. Wickham
MEANWHILE (again), Charlotte- a close friend of Elizabeth- tells Elizabeth that she is now engaged to Mr. Collins- the same Mr. Collins that proposed to Elizabeth. They get married and Elizabeth goes to visit them, only to find out that Collin's "wealthy benefactor" (on whose estate Collin's lives on) is the aunt of Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy comes to visit his aunt and sees Elizabeth, whom he is now seen to be drawn to. One day, he randomly and unexpectedly proposes to Elizabeth and she turns him down, telling him how arrogant, unpleasant and rude he is, then goes on to yell at him for separating Bingley and Jane and his mistreatment of poor Mr. Wickham. Later, a letter arrives from Mr. Darcy explaining everything. He admits he told Bingley to let go of Jane- only because he thought she didn't love him and was only after his money (since she's poor and he's really wealthy)- and then goes on to tell the TRUE story of Mr. Wickham, who was "disinherited" by Darcy because he tried to elope with his sister, Georgiana Darcy, because of her money.
Elizabeth arrives home, her newfound knowledge of Wickham causing her to keep her distance, but it's not long until his regiment moves to Brighton. Lydia, on the other hand, has been invited to go to Brighton to stay with an old friend that lives there and her father allows her to go. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was invited to travel with some relatives, the Gardiners, and, while traveling, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner tell her they are close to Pemberley, Mr. Darcy’s estate, and would like to tour it. Darcy is said to be away, so they go visit Pemberley, which is a beautiful home with gorgeous things, and she is surprised when the servants keep saying how great and generous he is towards them. Suddenly, Darcy arrives home early and sees Elizabeth, asking how she liked his house and such. An invitation arrives at their hotel inviting them to come to his house and meet his sister. They do so and (in the movie) it's the first time he smiles- best
part :) haha!!!
Bennet sisters (left to right): Lydia, Kitty, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary
However, a letter arrives for Elizabeth that contains horrifying news: Lydia has eloped with Mr. Wickham. "Fearful of the disgrace such a situation would bring on her entire family, Elizabeth hastens home. Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Bennet go off to search for Lydia, but Mr. Bennet eventually returns home empty-handed. Just when all hope seems lost, a letter comes from Mr. Gardiner saying that the couple has been found and that Wickham has agreed to marry Lydia in exchange for an annual income. The Bennets are convinced that Mr. Gardiner has paid off Wickham, but Elizabeth [soon finds out] that the source of the money, and of her family’s salvation, was none other than Darcy." (quotation from SparkNotes).
Lady Catherine
Wickham and Lydia are now married, and soon Mr. Bingley comes back to Netherfield and visits Jane again. Eventually, Bingley proposes and she quickly accepts. The same day, Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Darcy's aunt), pays a visit and tells Elizabeth that she's heard that Darcy
had proposed. She states that Darcy is already been set up to marry HER daughter- a sickly girl- and demands Elizabeth to not marry Darcy. Elizabeth replies, telling her she is not engaged to Darcy but she wouldn't dare promise that and kicks Lady Catherine out of her house. Later on, Elizabeth goes walking and sees Darcy coming towards her and he tells her his feelings haven't changed and he asks that, if she still didn't want to marry him, tell him at once- to which she stays silent. He basically proposes and she accepts, much to her parent's surprise and, in the end, she becomes Mrs. Darcy and Jane becomes Mrs. Bingley. The end! :)
My favorite character: I'm going to have to sayyyyyyyyy Elizabeth Bennet because I love how she does what she wants and won't let anyone tell her what to do. She's her own person and it's just kinda awesome! :)

My favorite scene: I suppose my favorite scene would be when she visits Pemberly with the Gardiners. I like how she realizes "oh this could have been mine!" and I like when she meets Georgiana.

My favorite quote: "Oh look! People!" This is said by Mr. Bennet when he opens the door after a conversation with his wife and sees all his daughters eavesdropping :) I say this quite often!!


~It is rated PG for some mild thematic elements
~I personally give it 4.5 crowns out of 5 crowns! I love this movie, though!

~My trusty website that I always go to for my movie needs,, says:

This rating says it's "ON" (okay) for anyone 11 and up!!

There's nothing bad in it, so I'd say anyone can watch it! :)
GOOD movie!! LOVEEE IT!!!
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
*NOTE: I do not own ANY rights to Pride and Prejudice- the pictures, the quotes, the videos, ANYTHING. This all belongs to Focus Features!!*

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