Saturday, July 13, 2013

Scrumdiddlyumptous Saturday- FUN Cream of Wheat!

Once Upon a Time...

     This is something my mom made for my brother and I when we were little and we LOVEEEEDDDD it!! And still love it!!! We just refer to it as "Cream of Wheat", but it's nothing like the original recipe- it's more unhealthy and FUN!! So here is how ya make it!! :)

*Please note that today I was really hungry and just wanted food already, so I made the microwave version because it's quicker. So here are the incructions for THAT. If you want to make the stovetop version, just follow the box!!*

1. First, follow the recipe on the box. We always use milk- it makes it creamier- and, when using milk, you don't use salt. I mean, you can, but I think it would taste weird...
Make sure to watch it so it doesn't boil over!!!

2. After it's done, put it on a plate. The microwave version only makes a little bit- it was a small plate serving (see chart below)- but the stovetop makes way more. For my brother and I to have a big plate serving, she followed the recipe for 4 servings on the box.

3. This is when it gets fuuuun!! Grab powdered chocolate milk or strawberry milk (or whatever kind you want!) and sprinkle it on top!!

4. Add junk!!!! If you have M&Ms, put those on!! We used the mini M&Ms (found in the baking aisle) so we could always fit more on the plate :) We also would put a Hershey Kiss in the middle and bury it under the Cream of Wheat so, when we hit the center, we'd get a big, melted, yummy treat :)

5. Eatttt itttt!! :D

On the left we have the small plate serving. On the right, the large plate.
And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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