Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Antiquing

Once Upon a Time...

     I'm not like most teenage girls. I have one unique thing that separates me from most of the others- I love to antique!! My mom and I go to antique stores (preferably malls :) haha) and get tons of cool stuff to decorate the house (or in my case, my room). We have so much fun, not just finding the stuff at the stores, but also just hanging out together while we shop!! We always come back home with bags full of goodies and cameras full of good pictures.

     My mom collects just about everything. Me, on the other hand, I collect "specific" things, or so I like to think. For example, right now I have an EXTREME love for old photographs. I just love these pictures for so many reasons, but that post is gonna have
to wait!! 
     When I was younger, I collected cat and dog planters and still use them to keep my junk in :) I also had a travel themed room with pendants, "Greetings From" postcards, and suitcases in it!! But I also have random little things I like: Batman pins (I mean, it's BATMAN!), airline wings, and mini-license plates.
     If you have never been antiquing, I highly recommend it!! It's a TON of fun and it's cool just to look at the old stuff!!!

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