Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Whatever Wednesday- Fairy Tale Charm Necklace

Once Upon a Time...

     Since today is Whatever Wednesday and, well, I can do whatever I want, I've decided to share this necklace that I have made!! I call it my Fairy Tale Charm Necklace because, quite obviously, it is a necklace with Fairy Tale charms on it!! :)
  I was walking down the jewelry-making aisle of Hobby Lobby one day when something caught my eye: a sign that said 50% off!!! I instantly rushed over to see what was being marked down and I was THRILLED to see that it was the Fairy Tale charms!! These charms, literally called "Fairy Tale- by Bead Treasures", were- and are- so amazing. First off, they're based on fairy tales- hard to believe, I know. Second, they were 50% OFF!!!! I knew I had to get some!! So I stocked up!
    When I got home, I laid out all the charms and began the struggle of making a cute necklace! I say struggle because I only bought one chain anddd let's just say it wasn't wanting to sit right and look "layered". I had so much fun attaching the charms when I was finished, though!! And I think it looks really cute!! :)

     So the charms I bought all are fairy tale-ish. There's a tiny little vial with a little scroll in it, although later I'm planning on putting in silver glitter (PIXIE DUST!!!) instead. There's also a mini mirror, like in Beauty and the Beast! And an arrow. I just liked that one... I can't really think of anything it can relate to.... besides Cupid! That work :)

Next, we have a little apple (Snow White), a frog Prince, and a little charm that says "Dream"! Because, like they say, "A dream is a wish your heart makes!" :) There's also that big heart charm in the middle. I really like that. The back opens up so it's technically a "locket" design. I'm in the process of finding cute, small paper that I can write notes and stick it in there :)

Then we have a book that says "Once Upon a Time"- you HAVE to have that for a fairy tale anything!! :) Then there's a charm that says "Love" because what's a fairy tale without that!! Lastly, we have a small little castle. This castle is not actually from Hobby Lobby. It's from Disneyworld!! My parents got it for me for my birthday one year and I never found a suitable necklace (or anything) where it would look good. Now it has a perfect home!!

That's all for my charm necklace. Now it's YOUR turn to go make one!! Check out your local Hobby Lobby- or go online- to find these charms!!
That is the link!! Get creative!!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

PS. You can email me at for any questions, comments, or to talk!! Talking Thursday is coming up!! :)

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