Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tackle-It Tuesday? REVERSE Tuesday!

Once Upon a Time...

    So you know how Tackle-It Tuesday was supposed to be a day where we get all motivational and tackle something!!! Like we're supposed to do a project or whatever??? WELL, this Tuesday I was quite lazy and realized the only thing I did was the opposite... SO today is REVERSE Tackle-It Tuesday!!! :)

First, I started out with a nicely made bed (see Illustration)!! You can see here that my bed is positioned in front of a window (with a window seat!!) so it takes up less wall space!!! Although my room is HUGGGGEEEE, I only have 3/4 of an actual wall with wall space. The rest is taken up by doors... or windows... ANYWHO!!!

After the first step, I slept in it and had quite a wonderful night's sleep filled with amazing dreams!!!! When I woke up, THIS happened!!! My nicely made bed had turned into... I don't know, the Bed-Hulk?? I dunno what to call it :)
I even lost my sheets!! But no worries, my lil' kitty found them!! :)

This has been a tutorial on how NOT to make your bed!! :)

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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