Thursday, August 8, 2013

Talking Thursday- The Inconvenience of Soap Dispensers

Once Upon a Time...

     Have you ever stopped and taken a look at a soap dispenser?? Like the ones we buy at the store (I'm talking right now specifically the SoftSoap brand). For crying out loud, these are the weirdest designed soap dispensers ever!! I hate running out of soap in general, but when you take a look at a dispenser that is "out" and there's still enough for like 4 more hand washings trapped in there? Look at the bottom of the soap dispenser (or see picture provided).

There's a "bubble" in the dispenser, aka a raised dip in the middle of it. Because of this dip, there's a groove going all the way around, trapping innocent soap from getting sucked up into the tube thing that sends the soap into your hands. Because of this, you WASTE SOAP!!! Stupid design, really. I realized all this while washing my hands earlier and it upset me greatly... :) haha

And They All Lived Happily Ever After...

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